Legalize Trans*

Legalize Trans - Affirm, Include, Appreciate trans and gender-non-conforming people and issues

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 212- Update

Hey there everyone. It's been a while. I kind of forgot about the blog for a while. I've kind of forgotten about life for a while. I'm getting back into the swing of things and life in general. I'm going to blog more consistently, I'm working to work on losing more weight, I'm looking for a job. I thought I would give you all a quick update on Trevor and I.

April 6th was the Spring Drag Show. It was amazing! I performed Bon Jovi's "Livin On a Prayer". It was the most fun I've ever had in my life. Everyone did so well and the crowd was incredible! Trevor performed "Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not?" by Thompson Square with Kyle Madison. I didn't actually get to see it, but I heard it was really cute. He also performed "Love Like Woe" by The Ready Set. Not his usual choice but the crowd loved it. My baby sister, Sammie, did "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. It was adorable. I didn't see this but apparently my dad went up to tip her and made her kiss him on the cheek. Cute, eh? My parents, grandparents on my dad's side, Erin, and Melissa came to see me. Oh, and did I mention that my mom brought a surprise for me, one for Tawnya Tootsieroll, and one for Danny McCoy? For Danny she brought pumpkin bars, for Tawnya she brought birthday cupcakes because it was Tawnya's 19th birthday on the day of the show, and for me she brought SARAH DOUD! Sarah walked into the dressing room and I dropped my makeup bag. I was so excited. The night was SUCH a success!

April 7th we got up and signed out lease with Kayla and Holly! We got our parking permits, and paid our shares of the deposit and our first month's rent. I was so excited and nervous.

April 19th was the dat Trevor started TESTOSTERONE! He does his shots on Tuesday nights. He takes .1 of 200 mg (it's confusing). It sometimes takes him a while to actually stick the needle in but once he gets it into his leg it's over in a flash. I'm so proud of him. I can't imagine having to give myself a shot every week. I can't even handle getting a shot once every 3 years by a medical professional, ha ha. He hasn't really noticed any physical effects yet. There's been some irritability which was only exacerbated by the fact that we were moving. His mustache (hair on upper lip) is considerably darker but it's hard to tell unless you're within a foot of his face. Also, his (sorry if this hurts anyone's brain) breasts have shrunk also. If I remember correctly he's supposed to go back to the doctor 8 weeks after his first appointment, which is in about 3 weeks. At this appointment they will probably up his dosage, since he's responding well to the dose he's on right now. I have pictures on my phone but I can't access them at the moment. I have a picture of him with the needle actually in his leg. It's pretty sweet.

April 25th was our 6 "month-iversary-thing-a-jigger" (as Trevor called it). 6 months? Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been that long and it seems like it's been forever. We were going to do something to celebrate but we were both pretty tired after school and the drag information meeting. We just got some pizza and went to bed and cuddled.

April 29th was the day Trevor turned 6 months old! It was also the day we got the keys to our apartment and started the moving process.

May 14th was the day that Trevor, being the amazing boyfriend and man that he is, came to a best friend's wedding with me, as my date. Even though he didn't know ANYONE there and I was a bridesmaid, so I couldn't  hang out with him all that much. Two of my guy friends from high school were there that he had met once before that day. During the ceremony he was seated in the back of the church with another bridesmaid's boyfriend and he sat alone at the reception because I was seated at the head table. As soon as the dancing began I went and sat with him. He was such a good sport. My friend, Libby and her son, Landon, finally got to meet Trevor. It was a beautiful wedding and I had so much fun. I'm so happy for Arlene, Kory, and Ronny (my 2-year-old godson) and their new family. I appreciate Trevor so much. I love him so much. He went with me and barely complained. I felt so bad, I had completely forgot about the head table during the dinner portion of the reception. I would have liked to slow dance a little more, but there will be plenty more weddings for him and I to dance at.

May 21st was the day we finished moving into our new apartment together, the four of us. We have all of the furniture in the apartment and it's all set-up. The only problem is our bed. We discovered some dust mites on it. So, we got rid of it and are getting a new one. For now, we're sleeping on our mattress pads covered with sheets on the floor. It's much more comfortable than it sounds. We'll have a bed in a few days, hopefully. We also don't have a shower curtain or other bathroom stuff, but we have towels, soap, washcloths, and the other necessities. It will all come together in the next few weeks.

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